James Booker Melissa Malfara

James Booker hoisting a flag of Canada.jpgJanuary 2009, August 2009
We would like to thank you again for your hospitality, your help, and the wonderful experience we had at the camp. Our friends and family were all excited to hear our stories and look at our pictures of the camp and the rest of Russia. In addition to the friend who wanted to come to the camp next time with us now another friend is interested and has us teaching him Russian phrases.
Please consider us your hosts if you ever wish to visit Canada as we would love to give you as in depth experience as we had in Russia. We couldn't have asked for more. Please stay in touch as we would love to come back to any and all camps that we can afford. Any information regarding future camps or other opportunities in Siberia would be greatly appreciated.

Melissa Malfara performing a butterfly dance.jpg