Stephen Beet

July 2004, June-July 2006, January 2007, June-August 2007, January 2008, June-August 2008, January 2009, June-August 2009, January 2010, June-August 2010, January 2011, June-August 2011, January 2012, June-August 2012, January 2013,  June-August 2013, January 2014 
I would like to recommend the programme run by the Educational Centre Cosmopolitan of which Natalia Bodrova is principal. I have been participating in these programmes for several years as a volunteer teacher. I was a teacher and head of department in UK schools for many years but now I live and work in France.
I do not have any official connection with the programme but I have been so impressed that I have returned for several years in order to participate and to improve my Russian skills.

For many years Cosmopolitan has run highly successful and unique educational and cultural programmes in delightful countryside just outside Novosibirsk. At the Summer Camps from June through to August and at the 'Winter Wonderland' Season, children and students from all over Siberia are brought together to study English and other languages under the guidance of both Russia and volunteer teachers from all over the world. I don't think another such programme exists in Russia and provides opportunity for students and volunteer teachers to experience the real culture of Russia whilst learning Russian.

I can greatly recommend the programme. They attract students and volunteer teachers from all over the world and they all enjoy it and often return for more! Ages of the international students range from about eleven years upwards and many are University Students in their late teens. Others are older professional people who are wanting to improve their Russian skills and/or participate in the cultural programme offered. The fact that so may return year after year to this programme is a recommendation in itself.

Personally I can highly recommend the organisation. Natalia and her team are highly organised and very caring and run a very happy and purposeful programme.